The Beginning

This is meant for me to look back, laugh and to have a good time.

On 1 March 2025 - I might update as I go on this journey.

In my chat application now I have a direct chat with End-To-End-Encryption using Hybrid-encryption. In future let's see how it goes and see what features we can incorporate. and what kind of optimisations we can perform.

Tech stack for now and my reasons for choosing them.

  1. NextJs - I could have gone with Pure React. Let’s see in future if I could do it in react.

  2. ExpressJs - I just wanted to experience ExpressJs

  3. Firebase Real Time Database - I wanted to use NoSQL database

Though They might not be good combination of selection. But It is how it is for now. IF we want another combination, Let’s just create another project that’s all 😅 to be honest I already have one 🌝